Ballyclog Donaghenry

Parish of Coalisland

Feast of Ss Joachim and Anne & Stewartstown Webcam

joachim-and-anneOn 26th July we celebrate the Feast of Saints Joachim and Anne, the parents of the Blessed Virgin Mary and the grandparents of Christ, and it inevitably encourages us to spend some time in prayer and thanksgiving for grandparents and the huge amount of work they so willingly do to form the next generation.  We all, hopefully, have warm memories of our grandparents as people who cared and spoiled, who taught us with patience, love and a sense of joy, who treasured every moment with us and made our moments with them treasures too.  The role of grandparents can so often go unrecognised, but in summertime where would so many families and children be without them?  As grandparents not only do you give your time in care and love, you support another generation, you encourage values and work, you build family love and loyalty, you show the meaning of Christian goodness in your example as you build a tiny glimpse of the Holy Family in our time, and you hand on faith in a  quiet and subtle way by your words and example.  Never underestimate the value of your actions and of the difference you make to life and to society.  Never be afraid to hand on all the best aspects of the old ways, never be afraid to encourage the best aspects of the new ways and remember that without you and what you do so many young families and young people wouldn’t know the happiness they do.  In the weeks ahead, let’s all offer a prayer for grandparents that God may always bless, protect and reward them all. 

Please note that the webcam service for St Mary’s Church, Stewartstown is currently not working due to a line fault outside the property which has disabled our broadband service.  BT Openreach have been notified of the fault and will be visiting this week to repair the line.  Unfortunately this is a problem beyond our control.  For those housebound who wish to join Mass a recording of Saturday evening Mass is available under the recordings section of our webcam link for Holy Family Church.  Many thanks for your understanding.  

With best wishes – Fr O’Neill

Mass Times

Holy Family Church Coalisland




Saturday: 6.00pm (Vigil Mass for Sunday)

Sunday: 9.30am

Holydays: 10.00am – subject to change

Weekday Mass: Friday: 10.00am

Divine Mercy Chaplet – Tuesday: 7.00pm &  Friday after 10am Mass

St Mary & St Joseph’s Brackaville



Weekday Mass: Monday – 7.30pm; Tuesday – Thursday – 10.00am

Eucharistic Adoration: Wednesday 10.30am – 6.30pm

Confessions: on request after Mass

Rosary: Tuesday & Thursday 9.30am, Wednesday 6.00pm

Holydays: 7.30pm Vigil – subject to change


St Mary’s Church Stewartstown



Sunday: 11.00a.m.

Eucharistic Adoration: Mondays 10.00am – 6.00pm



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Watch St Marys and Josephs Church Live – Connecting the Sick, Elderly and those Abroad to the Local Community.

If you are having difficulty watching our stream from your apple device, please try chrome browser for iphone or laptop and you will be able to view our live stream.
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First Anniversary and Month's Mind Masses

Month’s Mind Masses and First Anniversary Masses are currently being held in St Mary & St Joseph’s Church, Brackaville on Monday evenings at 7.30pm or Friday evenings at 7.30pm (by arrangement and subject to availability) or on Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday mornings at 10.00am. They are also celebrated in the Church of the Holy Family  on Friday mornings at 10.00am or at any of the weekend Masses. Month’s Mind Masses are offered in St Mary’s Church, Stewartstown on Sunday mornings at 11.00am or on Wednesday evenings at 7.30pm (by arrangement and subject to availability) and First Anniversary Masses on Sundays at 11am.

The following Masses have been requested during the coming months:

28th July – 9.30am – Baby Joseph Anderson – 1st Av

5th August – 7.30pm – Pauline McLoughlin – MM

22nd September – 11.00am – Joe Wylie – 1st Av



“A lawyer, to disconcert Jesus, put a question , ‘Master, which is the greatest commandment of the Law?’  Jesus said, ‘You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.  This is the greatest and the first commandment.  The second resembles it: You must love your neighbour as yourself.  On these two hang the whole Law and the Prophets also’.

Matthew 22:35-40

Ballyclog Donaghenry